Saturday, May 5, 2012

Isn't it funny how life works?

For example...

If you have a problem and you just leave it alone for a while, by the time you come back you somehow magically solve it. It works that way for relationships, homework, games... everything.

If you do something enough, you could come back to it a year later and still remember how to do it. Like riding a bike, or making a bracelet, or knitting a scarf. There are certain traits that will never leave your brain.

If you want something enough, and you are brave enough to work towards achieving that goal, you will eventually succeed.

And, if you keep telling yourself something enough times, you will eventually trick yourself into thinking it's true, even though in the back of your mind you know it is totally false.

I have had the honor (and the misfortune) of experiencing all of these "funny" things about life first-hand in the past month or so, and let me tell you life's comedic qualities don't feel so funny when they are occurring, but once the situation has passed you realize it really is quite peculiar the way things in our lives fit together. But in the end...

Everything works out.

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